Study programme assessments

HAKA has developed two assessment types for the assessment of study programmes and/or study programme groups or clusters (a study programme group is defined on the basis of ISCED97 fields and levels)

Accreditations of study programmes

The purpose of accreditation of study programmes is to determine the study programmes at the higher education level in which a higher education institution may conduct studies and issue graduation documents which are recognized by the state.

HAKA shall assess the study programme(s) in five assessment areas: study programme and its development, teaching and learning, academic staff, students and resources.

Quality Assessment of Study Programme Groups

Quality assessment of a study programme group involves the assessment of the conformity of study programmes and the studies and development activities that take place on their basis to legislation, national and international standards and developmental directions with the purpose of providing recommendations to improve the quality of studies.

The goal of quality assessment of a study programme group supports the internal evaluation and self-development of the higher education institution. Quality assessment of study programme groups is not followed by sanctions: expert assessments should be considered recommendations.