Quality assessment of VET study programme groups

If a group of study programmes has been granted the right to provide instruction without a term, a regular quality assessment will take place at least once in every six years, targeted at fostering the development of learning-oriented school culture and improving the reliability of vocational education.

Quality assessment of vocational education is conducted according to a timeline adopted by HAKA and accepted by educational institutions and the Ministry of Education and Research.  The assessment decisions are taken by the HAKA vocational education assessment council.

The results of the quality assessment are used by the schools’ management and by the Ministry of Education and Research for policy making. Quality assessment of vocational education provides an opportunity:
– for the school to get feedback about the quality of the teaching and education process and recommendations for its development; the results of an independent external evaluation can also be used for the school’s strategic management.
– To inform interested groups (learners, labour market, state, the society in general) about how well vocational education meets the national demands, objectives of development plans, labour market needs and expectations of the learners.

Areas and criteria for assessment

Quality assessment of vocational education focuses on the studies.
The studies are assessed in the following areas:

1. Study programme and its development
2. Learning and teaching
3. Teachers

All these areas have specific assessment criteria.

The following criteria are used in assessing the study programme and its development:
1. Study programme development is targeted, systematic and managed; study programmes are prepared and developed keeping in mind the educational needs of learners and the labour market;
2. The studies are planned taking into account the uniqueness of the learners, teaching content and methods, as well as assessment criteria and methods, support students in achieving their learning outcomes and developing their key competencies.

The following criteria are used in assessing learning and teaching:
1. Students’ choice of specialisation is supported;
2. The learning environment, including materials, tools and technology support the students in achieving their learning outcomes;
3. The organisation of studies including practical work and training is based on the specificities of students and forms of study, and it supports the student in achieving the learning outcomes;
4. The teaching content, methodology and evaluation, including for practical work and training, is based on the learning outcomes;
5. Student support services are in place and available for students.

The following criteria are used in teacher assessment:
1. Study programmes have teachers with relevant qualification, including practitioners and competent practical training supervisors; the volume of work of teachers and job positions are pre-planned;
2. Professional and occupational development of teachers is adapted to the study programmes, the needs of learners, feedback from the stakeholders and self-analysis.

The following performance indicators of teaching and learning are used in quality assessment:
1. Trends in admission (including in-service training);
2. Trends in the share of early leavers;
3. Trends in the share of graduates;
4. Trends in the employment rate of alumni, including the share of those continuing in education and training;
5. Trends in passing the vocational examination;
6. Trends in student satisfaction;
7. Other indicators, including learning mobility, taking part in competitions and contests.

Find the guidelines for VET here.