HAKA-NAQA project on Enhancement of Higher Education Quality in Ukraine

From May 2024 to December 2025, HAKA and the Ukrainian National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) are implementing a joint project with the aim to develop and test a model for institutional accreditation of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The institutional accreditation model to be developed will comply with European standards and guidelines (ESG) while considering the local context.

In 2025, the model will be piloted in three higher education institutions in Ukraine, who have submitted their application and been selected to participate in the pilot accreditation. HAKA and NAQA staff will organise self-evaluation trainings to the institutions taking part in the process. Three assessment panels consisting of both Estonian and Ukrainian experts, will be composed; they will conduct either an onsite visit or a hybrid (onsite + online) visit to the institutions and write an assessment report. Finally, an accreditation decision will be made by HAKA Quality Assessment Council for Higher Education.

Participation in these pilot accreditations benefit the participating institutions in several ways:

  • Institutions will gain experience in international institutional accreditation.
  • Representatives from the institutions will be trained by HAKA and NAQA.
  • Institutions will receive feedback and recommendations on the development of their internal quality assurance system.
  • Institutions will have the opportunity to benchmark their internal quality assurance system against ESG 2015.
  • If compliant with institutional accreditation standards, institutions will receive official institutional accreditation from HAKA.

Project activities and timeline

Institutional accreditation guidelines

Assessment Report Template (Word document)

The project is supported by ESTDEV – Estonian Centre for International Development Cooperation