Publications, analyses, presentations

HAKA has published numerous analyses over the years – see below!
Some documents have been translated into English, documents in Estonian provide an overview of HAKA´s areas of activity.

Higher education

Analyses of assessment periods

Lauri, L., Masenko, J., & Mattisen, H. (2020). Kõrgkoolide institutsionaalse akrediteerimise rakendamine, tulemused ja õppetunnid. [The Implementation, Outcomes and Lessons Learned from Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions] Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2019/2020. õppeaastal, 29–31.

Lauri, L. (2018). Kõrghariduse hindamistulemustest 2017. [About Higher Education Assessment Results 2017]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2017/2018 õppeaastal, 47–49.

Lauri, L., & Mattisen, H. (2017). Kõrgharidusõppe kvaliteedi hindamise tulemused 2012–2016 (terviktekst). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Lauri, L., & Mattisen, H. (2017). Kõrgharidusõppe kvaliteedi hindamise tulemused 2012–2016 (kokkuvõte). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Mattisen, H., Seema, R., & Udam, M. (2014). Institutsionaalse akrediteerimise vahekokkuvõte. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2013/2014. õppeaastal, 49–51.

Udam, M., Seema, R., & Mattisen, H. (2014). Institutsionaalse akrediteerimise vahekokkuvõte. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Lauri, L. (2013). Välishindamine kõrghariduses. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2012/2013. õppeaastal, 33–35.

Needs-based thematic analyses

Laansoo, K. (2024). Foreign Systems for Institutional Level Assessments in Higher Education Institutions – an Analysis. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Education.

Kumpas-Lenk, K., Haavapuu, H., Mere, L., Lauri, L., Laansoo, K. ja Mattisen, H. (2022). Väljundipõhiste õppekavade rakendamine Eesti kõrgkoolides: välisekspertide vaade. [Implementation of outcome-based curricula in Estonian higher education institutions: the view of foreign experts]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Education.

Uusna-Rannap, S. (2022). Kõrgharidustaseme õpiväljundite reguleerimine riiklikul tasandil. [Regulation of higher education learning outcomes at the national level]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Education.

Mattisen, H. (2021). Kõrghariduse kvaliteet Eestis. [The Quality of Higher Education in Estonia]. Riigikogu kõrghariduse toetusrühma raport. Kõrghariduse roll, kvaliteet ja rahastamise alused, 59–65.

Mattisen, H. (2021). Proposal for the development of the external quality assurance system of higher education in the Republic of Tajikistan in line with European standards. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Lauri, L., & Mattisen, H. (2021). Teadus- ja arendustegevus rakenduskõrgkoolides: kitsaskohad ja hea praktika näited institutsionaalse akrediteerimise põhjal. [Research and Development in Institutions of Professional Higher Education]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2020/2021. õppeaastal, 70–72.

Lauri, L., & Udam, M. (2021). Kõrgkoolide toimetulek sunnitud kaugõppega perioodil märts–juuni 2020. [How Did Higher Education Institutions Cope with the Forced Distance Learning from March to June 2020]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2020/2021. õppeaastal, 127–129.

Udam, M. (2020). How Did Higher Education Institutions Cope with the Forced Distance Learning from March to June 2020. Summary. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Välisüliõpilaste õppimine ja õpetamine Eesti kõrgkoolides. Hindamisaruanne. [Teaching and Learning of Foreign Students in Estonian Higher Education Institutions]. (2019). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Mattisen, H. (2019). Kõrgharidus: praegune olukord ja väljakutsed. [Higher Education: Current Situation and Challenges]. Haridusstrateegia 2035 väärtuste ja vastutuse ekspertrühma töömaterjal.

Lauri, L. (2019). Välisüliõpilaste õppimine ja õpetamine Eesti kõrgkoolides – temaatilise hindamise tulemused. [Teaching and Learning of Foreign Students in Estonian Higher Education Institutions –Outcomes of Thematic Review]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2018/2019. õppeaastal, 31–33.

Higher Education Assessment Concept 2020. (2017). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Lauri, L. (2016). Eesti kõrghariduse tugevused ja arenguvajadused õppekavagruppide kvaliteedihindamise tulemuste taustal. [Strengths and development needs of Estonian higher education in the light of the results of the quality assessment of study programme groups]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Lauri, L., & Bauman, H. (2016). Eesti kõrghariduse peamised tugevused ja arenguvajadused õppekavagruppide kvaliteedihindamise tulemuste taustal. [The main strengths and development needs of Estonian higher education in the light of the results of the quality assessment of study programme groups]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2015/2016. õppeaastal, 42–45.

Seema, R., Udam, M., Mattisen, H., & Lauri, L. (2014). Eesti kõrgkoolitöötajate poolt tajutud välishindamise mõju süsteemi/organisatsiooni ja personaalsel tasandil. Uuringu kokkuvõte. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Bach, T., Dragojevic, D., Findlay, P., Hering, S., Lauri, L., Lynch, O., Olcen, Z., & Udam, M. (2014). Transparency of European Higher Education through public Quality Assurance Reports. Final report of the project.

Udam, M., Lauri, L., & Bach, T. (2013). Results of the survey on the use and usefulness of external quality assurance reports for different stakeholders. Transparency of European higher education through public quality assurance reports (527137-LLP-1-2012-1-BE-ERASMUS-EMGR). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Tüür, L., & Mattisen, H. (2013). From Study Programme Accreditation to Study Programme Group Assessment. INQAAHE Proceedings.

Bauman, H., & Mattisen, H. (2012). Üleminekuhindamine – kõrghariduse välishindamise erijuhtum Eestis 2009–2011. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Bauman, H., & Mattisen, H. (2012). Transitional Evaluation: A Special Case of External Evaluation of Higher Education in Estonia 2009–2011. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.


Lauri, L. (2019). Evaluation of Doctoral programmes in Estonia. Presentation at the seminar “Early-Career Researchers Identity Development”.

Kumpas-Lenk. K. (2019). Learning outcomes: building the trust for higher education among students. Presentation at the 15th INQAAHE conference.

Mattisen, H. (2018). Kas Eesti kõrgharidus ootab tuult või püüab tuult?. [Is Estonian higher education waiting for the wind or catching the wind?]. Presentation at the seminar of the Expert Group on Values and Responsibilities of the Education Strategy 2035.

Lauri, L., Heidmets, M., & Virkus, S. (2015). Information Literacy and Information Culture in Higher Education Institutions. Presentation at the conference “European Conference on Information Literacy”.

Vocational education and training

Analyses of assessment periods

Pärn, K., Raasuke, R., Kroonmäe, M., Taimsoo, R., Puik, M., & Lauri, L. (2022). Kutseõppe kvaliteedi hindamine 2021: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of VET in 2021: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M., & Taimsoo, R. (2021). Kutseõppe kvaliteedi hindamine 2020: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of VET in 2020: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2020/2021. õppeaastal, 67–69.

Kroonmäe, M., Taimsoo, R., & Lauri, L. (2021). Kutseõppe kvaliteedi hindamine 2020: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of VET in 2020: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M., & Taimsoo, R. (2020). Kutseõppe kvaliteedi hindamine 2019: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of VET in 2019: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2019/2020. õppeaastal, 26–28.

Kroonmäe, M., Taimsoo, R., Lauri, L., Mattisen, H. (2020). Kutseõppe kvaliteedi hindamine 2019: tulemused ja õppetunnid. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M. Taimsoo, R., & Lauri, L. (2019). Kokkuvõte kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest aastatel 2011–2018. [A Summary of Accreditation of Study Programme Groups in VET 2011-2018]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2018/2019. õppeaastal, 28–30.  

Kroonmäe, M., Puik, M., & Luhtaru, R. (2018). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimise 2017. aasta tulemused. [Outcomes of Accreditation of Study Programme Groups in VET 2017]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2017/2018. õppeaastal, 44–46.

Kroonmäe, M., & Taimsoo, R. (2017). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimise 2016. aasta tulemused. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M., Lauri, L., & Puik, M. (2016). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2015/2016. õppeaastal, 32–35.

Kroonmäe, M., Lauri, L., & Puik, M. (2016). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimise 2015. aasta tulemused. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Seema, R., Kroonmäe, M., & Mattisen, H. (2015). Ülevaade kutseõppe tasemeõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest 2014. aastal hindamiskomisjonide aruannete põhjal. Uuringu kokkuvõte. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Seema, R., Kroonmäe, M., & Mattisen, H. (2015). A Summary of the accreditations of curriculum groups of vocational training in 2014 based on reports by assessment committees. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M., Mattisen, H., & Seema, R. (2015). Ülevaade kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest 2014. aastal hindamiskomisjonide aruannete põhjalÜlevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2014/2015. õppeaastal, 33–36.

Seema, R., Kroonmäe, M., & Mattisen, H. (2015). A Summary of the accreditations of curriculum groups of vocational training in 2014 based on reports by assessment committees. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M. (2014). Kutseõppe akrediteerimise 2014. aasta tulemused. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kroonmäe, M. (2014). Ülevaade kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2013/2014. õppeaastal, 46–48.

Kroonmäe, M. (2013) Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimisest. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2012/2013. õppeaastal, 30–32.

Kroonmäe, M., Tüür, L., & Mattisen, H. (2012). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade akrediteerimine – pilootvoor 2011. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Needs-based thematic analyses

European Peer Review Quality Areas and Criteria for Vocational Education and Training (VET). (2021). This handbook has been produced as part of the EU funded projects to support the operations of the quality assurance national reference points for VET (EQAVET NRPs). The development work on peer review criteria has been carried out as a joint project by the NRPs of Croatia, Estonia, Finland and Slovenia from 2019–2021 (Quality Areas 1–10), following the earlier project by the NRPs of Austria, Croatia, Finland and Slovenia from 2017–2019 (Quality Areas 11–15).

Mattisen, H. (2019). Kutseharidus: praegune olukord ja väljakutsed. [Vocational Education and Training: Current Situation and Challenges]. Haridusstrateegia 2035 väärtuste ja vastutuse ekspertrühma töömaterjal.

Quality assessment of Vocational Education. Conceptual framework. (2018). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Luhtaru, R., & Ode, M. (2017). Praktika ja töökohapõhise õppevormi kitsaskohtade ja arendusvaldkondade analüüs. [Analysis of bottlenecks and development areas of practice and work-based learning].


Kroonmäe, M. (2021). Praktika ja töökohapõhine õpe kvaliteedi hindamisel. [Internship and workplace learning in quality assessment]. Presentation at the meeting “Praktiliselt praktikast ja töiselt töökohapõhisest õppest” [Practical internships and work-based learning].

Kroonmäe, M., & Taimsoo, R. (2019). New concept of external Quality Assurance in VET, profile and training of external evaluators in Estonia. Presentation at the conference “Peer Learning Activity on Balancing self-evaluation with external evaluation in VET systems across the Europe”.

Mattisen, H. (2018). Kutsehariduse identiteediotsingud. [Identity searches of vocational education]. Presentation at a seminar for Education Strategy 2035.

Continuing education

Analyses of assessment periods

Kumpas-Lenk, K., Napp, M.(2023) Analysis of results 2022-2023: Quality assessment of curriculum groups of continuing education providers Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Education.

Kumpas-Lenk, K., Sukk, M., & Estra, I. (2022). Kokkuvõte tervise ja heaolu valdkonna täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamisest. [A Summary of the Quality Assessment of Health and Welfare Continuing Education Providers ]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kumpas-Lenk, K. (2021). Täienduskoolitusasutuste kvaliteedi hindamine 2019–2021: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of Continuing Education Providers 2019-2021: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Ülevaade haridussüsteemi välishindamisest 2020/2021. õppeaastal, 7377.

Kumpas-Lenk, K. (2021). Täienduskoolitusasutuste kvaliteedi hindamine 2020: tulemused ja õppetunnid. [Quality Assessment of Continuing Education Providers 2020: Outcomes and Lessons Learned]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kumpas-Lenk, K., & Haavapuu, H. (2021). Täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamise protsessi analüüs: kitsaskohad ja võimalused. [Analysis of the Process of Quality Assessment of Continuing Education Providers: Challenges and Opportunities]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Estra, I. (2021). Hindamistulemused: juuksuritöö ja iluteenindus. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment Results: Hair and Beauty Services. A Summary of Assessment of the Quality of Instruction Offered by Continuing Education Providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Estra, I. (2021). Hindamistulemused: mehaanika ja metallitöö. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment results: mechanics and metal trade. A summary of assessment of the quality of instruction offered by continuing education providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kritšmann-Lekštedt, A. (2021). Hindamistulemused: ettevõtlus ja isikuareng. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment Results: Entrepreneurship and Personal Development. A Summary of Assessment of the Quality of Instruction Offered by Continuing Education Providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Kumpas-Lenk, K. (2021). Hindamistulemused: turundus ja reklaam. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment Results: Marketing and Advertising. A Summary of Assessment of the Quality of Instruction Offered by Continuing Education Providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Sukk, M. (2021). Hindamistulemused: sotsiaaltöö ja nõustamine. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment Results: Social Work and Counselling. A Summary of Assessment of the Quality of Instruction Offered by Continuing Education Providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Taimsoo, R. (2021). Hindamistulemused: arvutioskused. Kokkuvõte täienduskoolitusasutuste õppe kvaliteedi hindamistest 2020. [Assessment Results: Computer Skills. A Summary of Assessment of the Quality of Instruction Offered by Continuing Education Providers 2020]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Needs-based thematic analyses

Kumpas-Lenk, K., Sukk, M., Mattisen, H., Kattai, E., & Järvet, B. (2020). Täienduskoolituse kvaliteet – vastutus, kitsaskohad, võimalused. [The Quality of Continuing Education – Responsibility, Challenges, Opportunities]. Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education. ISBN 978-9949-481-87-3 (pdf).

Kumpas-Lenk, K., & Mattisen, H. (2019). Täienduskoolitus: praegune olukord ja väljakutsed. [Continuing Education: Current Situation and Challenges]. Haridusstrateegia 2035 väärtuste ja vastutuse ekspertrühma töömaterjal.

Publications and dissertations


Lauri, L., Virkus, S., & Heidmets, M. (2021). Information cultures and strategies for coping with information overload: case of Estonian higher education institutions. Journal of Documentation, 77(2), 518–541.

Isaeva, R., Eisenschmidt, E., Vanari, K., & Kumpas-Lenk, K. (2020). Students’ views on dialogue: improving student engagement in the quality assurance process. Quality in Higher Education, 26(1), 80–97. 

Puik, M., & Titov, E. (2020). Quality Assessment Models and Criteria in Continuing Education. INTED2020 Proceedings, 1. IATED Academy, 8280−8288.

Beerkens, M., & Udam, M. (2017). Stakeholders in Higher Education Quality Assurance: Richness in Diversity?High Educ Policy 30341–359.

Seema, R., Udam, M., Mattisen, H., & Lauri, L. (2017). The perceived impact of external evaluation: the system, organisation and individual levels—Estonian case. High Educ 7379–95.

Seema, R., Udam, M., & Mattisen, H. (2016). Attitudes of academic staff towards their own work and towards external evaluation, from the perspective of self-determination theory: Estonian case. Quality in Higher Education, 22(2), 117−126.

Lauri, L., Heidmets, M., & Virkus, S. (2016). The information culture of higher education institutions: the Estonian caseInformation Research, 21(3), paper 722.

Udam, M., Seema, R., & Mattisen, H. (2015). Eesti kõrgharidus institutsionaalse akrediteerimise tulemuste taustal ehk mida juhid peaksid teadma. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri [Estonian Journal of Education], 3(1), 80–102.

Udam, M., & Heidmets, M. (2013). Conflicting views on quality: interpretations of ‘a good university’ by representatives of the state, the market and academia. Quality in Higher Education, 19(2), 210–224.


Lauri, L. (2021). Information Culture and Coping With Information Overload: The Case of Estonian Higher Education Institutions. PhD thesis. Tallinn: Tallinn University.

Masenko, J. (2021). Üliõpilastest ekspertide roll ja selle kujunemist mõjutavad tegurid kõrghariduse kvaliteedi hindamisel. [The Role of Student Experts and Factors Influencing the Development of their Role in Higher Education Quality Assessment]. Master’s thesis. Tallinn: Tallinn University.

Kumpas-Lenk, K. (2019). Implementation of Outcome-based Education in Estonian Higher Education: The design of learning outcomes matters. PhD thesis. Tallinn: Tallinn University.

Puik, M. (2020). Täienduskoolitusasutuste lävendipõhise kvaliteedi hindamise protsessi ja kriteeriumite täiendamine. [Supplementing the Process and Criteria for the Threshold-Based Assessment of Continuing Education Providers]. Master’s thesis. Tallinn: Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences.

Mandel, K. (2015). Kutseõppe õppekavarühmade kvaliteediprobleemid ning nende parendamine 2011. aasta pilootvooru ja 2014. aasta akrediteerimisprotsessi aruannete põhjal. [Quality Problems and Improvements of the Curriculum Groups in Vocational Education and Training based on the 2011 Pilot Accreditation and 2014 Accreditation Reports]. Master’s thesis. Tartu: University of Tartu.

Udam, M. (2013). Meeting state, market and academic concerns: Challenge for external quality assurance of higher education institutions. Estonian Case. PhD thesis. Tallinn: Tallinn University.

Needs-based thematic analyses and reports on the activities of HAKA


Eesti Kõrg- ja Kutsehariduse Kvaliteediagentuuri arengukava 2017–2022 täitmise vahearuanne. [Interim Progress Report for EKKA’s Development Plan 2017-2022]. (2021). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.

Eesti Kõrg- ja Kutsehariduse Kvaliteediagentuuri arengukava 2017-2022 täitmise vahearuande kokkuvõte. [A Summary of EKKA’s Interim Progress Report for the Agency’s Development Plan 2017-2022]. (2021). Tallinn: Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education.


Mattisen, H. (2019). Key Features of Estonian Education. Presentation at the annual conference of the Swedish Institute for Quality.

Mattisen, H. (2018). Tradition vs Innovation. Presentation at the international quality awards ceremony.

Kroonmäe, M., & Bauman, H. (2017). Integrated Assessment of Higher Education and VET Programmes – Mission Possible! Estonian Experience in Breaking Barriers Between Higher and Vocational Education Assessments. Presentation at the INQAAHE conference in Bahrain.

Vau, I., & Varendi, M. (2014). Changing education − QA and the shift from teaching to learning. Presentation at the European Quality Assurance Forum.