International cooperation projects
HAKA (until June 2022 EKKA) has engaged, among others, in the following cooperation projects:
ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE “PROmoting high-quality DIGital Education in Georgia“ – PRODIGE | 2024-2027 | The project organises the deployment of high-quality Digital Education (DE) in Georgia.The project involves Higher Education Quality Agencies from Georgia and Estonia, 10 pioneer HEIs in Georgia, HEIs from Belgium, Croatia, and Spain. Together, they build a favourable environment involving all HE stakeholders and put in place the mechanisms and structures for the development of a high-quality DE in Georgia. The project website: PRODIGE (not launced yet) |
Erasmus+ CBHE project “Developing micro-credentials ecosystems in Ukraine and Mongolia for competitive and resilient green economies“ – DOMANI | 2024-2027 | Main objective is to take stock of organizational, ICT and expert capacity of partner institutions in Mongolia and Ukraine, and develop flexible and inclusive learning opportunities by creating functional ecosystems for providing micro credentials to students and life-long learners. In total, 12 institutes, including higher education and professional NGOs from 5 countries (are participating in this project. The project website: |
Enhancement of Higher Education Quality in Ukraine | 2024-2025 | The aim of the project is to support the Ukrainian National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) in developing and implementing a model for institutional accreditation of higher education institutions. The expected result will be an institutional accreditation model in line with European standards and guidelines (ESG) and taking into account the local context. The model will be piloted in at least three higher education institutions. The project is funded by ESTDEV- Estonian Centre for International Development. |
ETIKETA | 2023-2024 | ETIKETA is one of the six cooperation projects initiated by the European Commission, which aimed at developing and piloting the methodology and criteria for the European Degree Label for joint programmes of European universities. The project participants included universities from the Film EU consortium and higher education quality agencies from Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Finland and Portugal. |
Technical Support for Capacity Building in Quality Assurance and Piloting of Experimental Accreditation Process, Standards and Guidelines | 2018–2020 | The Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan chose the Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) as a strategic partner to develop the quality assurance system of higher education in the country and to make sure it conforms to the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area. During the two-year project, EKKA conducted pilot studies (institutional accreditations) in three higher education institutions in Tajikistan and helped to design the terms of reference of the development of higher education quality information system. The project included 11 sub-activities and the total budget of the project was 210 600 euros. |
Twinning project to support education in Georgia | 2019–2021 | The aim of the project was to develop the quality assessment system in Georgia, promote the implementation of qualification framework and increase the capabilities of the specialists and support systems involved. Together with DAAD, the Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) supported the activities of the Georgian national quality agency (NCEQE) and its partners in securing the quality of education and training in lifelong learning and qualifications quality assurance. The project focused on general education, vocational education, higher education and continuing education. |
Twinning project: support to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Further Adherence of the Higher Education System to the European Higher Education Area (AZ-ad-EHEA) | 2015– 2017 | Read more about the project in Estonian or English. |
Capacity Building of Accreditation Experts at the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education (ANACIP) in the Republic of Moldova | 2016 | The project was a follow-up for the project Creation and Capacity Building of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education in the Republic of Moldova which was aimed at launching the Moldovan quality assurance agency for higher and professional education (ANACIP) in 2015. The project was funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the Estonian development cooperation. |
The Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency assesses study programmes in Law in universities of Moldova | 2015 | The Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) won the tender of the Ministry of Education in Moldova to conduct the assessment of study programmes in Law in the country. During 2015, 26 study programmes in 13 different higher education institutions were accredited. Read more: project website, general report and assessment reports. |
Creation and Capacity Building of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education in Republic of Moldova | 2014– 2015 | The project aimed to support the establishment of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education (higher education and vocational education) in Moldova. The activities included cooperation with the Moldovan Ministry of Education in preparing respective draft legislation, developing evaluation methodology, specifying the qualification requirements for the agency’s personnel and training of personnel and evaluation experts. The duration of the project was 9 months, from September 2014 to May 2015, and its budget 132 813 euros. The project was funded by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the Estonian development cooperation. |
Transparency of European higher education through public quality assurance reports – EQArep | 2012–2014 | Transparency of European Higher Education through public Quality Assurance Reports. Final report of the project (Bach, T., Dragojevic, D., Findlay, P., Hering, S., Lauri, L., Lynch, O., Olcen, Z. and Udam, M. (2014)) |