
Maiki Udam, Development Manager of the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA), was elected to the Accreditation Council of the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency in Education (IQAA). The IQAA Council of Accreditation is the highest decision-making body of IQAA. It adopts decisions regarding accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes in Kazakhstan.…

This year’s INQAAHE Forum took place in Tallinn, Estonia on 26-28 May. More than 130 participants from nearly 60 countries were represented at the Forum entitled “Partnerships in Quality Assurance in Higher Education”. The event was hosted by the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA). On the pre-forum day, a workshop on the implementation of INQAAHE Guidelines of…

The Minister of Education and Research has convened an assessment council of 12 members to perform duties concerning the accreditation of vocational education and training. The council includes representatives of the main partners in vocational education and of fields of vocational studies. The council will adopt accreditation decisions and make proposals to the Minister of…

The project aims to support the establishment of Quality Assurance Agency for Professional Education (Higher education and Vocation Education) in Moldova. On a larger scale, it exerts positive influence on the competitiveness of the graduates of VET (vocation education and training) and higher education institutions and the economic development in Moldova in general. Specific activities…

This spring, international accreditation committees visited Tallinn University and the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences. Based on the reports of the assessment committee, the assessment council of the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency adopted decisions to accredit both universities for seven years on 9 June. Both were also awarded the EKKA quality label. The…