Yesterday on 18th November, a Kick Off Meeting marked the official launch of a new Twinning project in higher education. The project is funded by the European Union with a budget of 1,3 Million Euros. The overall objective of the Twinning project is to enhance Azerbaijan’s higher education through increased integration with the standards of…
Invitation to work shadowing at EKKA
In cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, the Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education in Estonia (EKKA) would like to welcome colleagues from ASEM countries in Asia to Estonia with the purpose to learn from the European experience of quality assurance in higher education by participating in a short-term work shadowing…
The Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) won the public procurement of the Ministry of Education in Moldova to conduct the assessment of study programmes in Law. During 2015, 26 study programmes in 13 different higher education institutions were assessed. During 2015 the accreditation methodology was developed and training sessions for university…
During the period of September 2014 to June 2015, Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) supported Moldova in creating their national quality agency for higher and professional education. EKKA organised trainings for future staff members of the agency as well as for higher education institutions and potential accreditation experts. EKKA also participated…
The Development Manager Dr Maiki Udam was elected to the INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) Board. The newly elected president of the network is the president of APQN (Asia Pasific Quality Network) Dr Jagannath Patil (India). INQAAHE is a world-wide association of over 200 organisations active in the theory and…
International accreditation assessment committees visited Tallinn University of Technology, TTK University of Applied Sciences and Lääne-Viru College this autumn. On the basis of the reports of the assessment committees the EKKA (Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency) Quality Assessment Council adopted a decision on 28 January to accredit Tallinn University of Technology and TTK University of…