Season’s Greetings from EKKA
From this autumn EKKA will develop and start implementing a quality assurance system for continuing education. The two year project financed by the Ministry of Education and Research has two main objectives: To develop and launch a system for checking the compliance of providers registered in the Estonian Education Information System with relevant legislation. To…
What is institutional accreditation? The aim of institutional accreditation is to evaluate the functioning and management of a higher education institution as a whole, the effectiveness and management of provision of studies as well as research and development activities and the institution’s service to society. A positive accreditation outcome should give assurance that a higher…
EKKA piloting thematic assessment in 2018
The Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) will conduct a thematic assessment in the second semester of 2018 on the learning and teaching experience of foreign students in Estonian higher education institutions. The objective of the assessment is to get an overview of best practices as well as shortcomings related to learning,…
EKKA earned a positive ENQA review result
In autumn 2017, EKKA underwent an assessment by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). On the basis of a thorough Self-Evaluation Report as well as interviews conducted in Tallinn, the review panel compiled an Assessment report and the ENQA Board adopted in March 2018 the decision to renew EKKA’s ENQA membership until…
Estonian higher education QA will undergo a major change starting from 2019, when the former system of parallel institutional accreditation and study programme group assessment will be replaced with a new – integrated model. The EKKA Assessment Council for Higher Education has adopted the following principles for future assessments: 1. to combine institutional accreditation with…