HAKA and NAQA piloting institutional accreditation in Ukraine
From May 2024 to December 2025, HAKA and NAQA (Ukraine) are implementing a
joint project with the aim to develop and test a model for institutional accreditation
of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The institutional accreditation model was
developed in May-June 2024. Direct beneficiaries of the project are NAQA staff, employees and stakeholders of 3 pilot universities: Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Lutsk National Technical University, the National University of Ostroh Academy and experts. Indirect beneficiaries are all Ukrainian HEIs.
Pilot accreditations in Ukraine will take place in 2025. In October 2024, HAKA and NAQA staff organised self-evaluation trainings to the institutions taking part in the process. Three assessment panels consisting of both Estonian and Ukrainian experts will be composed; they will conduct either an onsite visit or a hybrid (onsite + online) visit to the institutions and write an assessment report. Finally, accreditation decisions will be made by HAKA Quality Assessment Council. The project is financed by ESTDEV – Estonian Centre for International Development Cooperation.